Thursday, October 22, 2015


Yesterday, I had an epiphany.  I have spent my entire life struggling to answer the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up!"  As a child, I learned to develop canned answers that often changed with the seasons.  7 year-old me could tell you exactly what I was going to be, where I was going to college and where I would work upon graduating.  I quickly caught on to how impressive that was to adults so I continued with these antics, changing the details ever so often.  3 colleges, 7 majors and 3 more specialties later I stand at the intersection of my past, present and future, in a priceless moment where I finally get to define myself for myself, for today, with no guarantees about tomorrow.  I quit a job with no prospects of another, and turned down 9 others in between, to get to this place.  I am a former salesperson, a former building manager, a former lawyer, a former professor, a former K-12 educator, a former HR specialist, and the list goes on.  I am 33 years old and 6 careers later, I am still coming up with canned answers to the same old question, now couched in adult terms: "What are your short term and long term goals?"  or "Where do you see yourself in 5 years...10 years?"  I actually answered that question honestly during a recent interview for a legal specialist position, and still received an offer of employment.  I DECLINED...that was so 5 years ago. I am, however, appreciative and humbled by the referral. Check out the Ted Talk that changed my life!

If you are truly a multi-potentialite, that 12 minutes might have been one of the most defining moments of your life.  I have had several defining moments that changed the course of my life over the last 30+ years, but this finally made sense of them all.  I immediately shared this moment with my mom, who is a true specialist.  She has been a nurse for 40 years.  She went to a vocational high school that taught her how to become a nurse.  She has explored several aspects of nursing and nursing management but always returns to the bedside, where she is confident, passionate and dedicated to her mission as a nurse.  She has never wavered in this.  Never has my mom considered another career.  I could see in her eyes and her reaction that she was so relieved to learn that I wasn't the only one.  That there was a name for it proving there were others out there like me.  That all the money I pissed away for a Georgetown Law world-class legal education might not be in vain, and somehow will benefit me in my newest pursuit to be a high-end retail district manager.  So this blog is for mom.  The authentic specialist that has supported this multi-potentialite to be all that she can be even before she knew it was a "thing," so to speak!  It is because of her and a loving, supportive, amazing, wonderful (I could go on forever) husband, that I am able to go the way my blood beats and finally live!  To turn my back on a lucrative career in Washington, DC and relocate my family to Orlando, FL; to re-discover what makes my heart smile and satisfies the passion of my "today."

Regularly, I will feature the multi-potentialites in my life that have inspired my journey as well as share about the movement and provide tips on how to seamlessly transition from one career opportunity to the next, highlighting transferable skills and useful perspectives that will benefit your next employer or business partner.  MULTI-POTENTIALITES UNITE!  The world needs US to be courageous and redefine success by refusing to ever "grow up!"

Do you know of an awesome multi-potentialite that I should feature?  Are you interested in being featured? Email -

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